
Whisper: have a happy period!

My favourite emoticons expressing "happy it's here". Please visit the website to see lovely cute animation of these emoticons. (' u ')

Here are the rest. Please click on the image to enlarge.

Illustrator's version of backgrounds.

Agency: Arc Worldwide
Art Director: Yenyen Yeo


sokkuan tye said...

glad you like it Pris. (' u ')

Lynn said...

You can check out the website at http://www.happyitshere.com

Unknown said...


sokkuan tye said...

希望妳看了心情會好一點! (' u ')

Liyin the Designer-in-Pajamas said...

You're multi-arty-talented!
I'm amazed to see your works in different illustration styles! They are very unique!

sokkuan tye said...

Hi Liyin,

Thanks so much for your comment! The art director from the agency deserves the credit too!

You've got a nice blog with nice pic!

(' u ')
