I was given the word "SOMETHING" for the installation. And I have chosen the magical combination of a kaleidoscope within a diamond to express the ABSOLUT world: pure with perfection, yet unrestricted in limitation. While SOMETHING is abstract in meaning - undetermined or unspecified. It is for the beholders to interpret what SOMETHING means to them. The use of kaleidoscope within a diamond facilitates this process by allowing the viewers to see what is reflected on the multi-faceted surface depending on their point on view.
This diamond-kaleidoscope was totally handmade. And it's my first time doing something 3D. Although the finishing is not as perfect as what I wanted, but I have tried my very best and I am happy to be given this chance after all. Looking forward to do more installation, but hopefully with more production time. (' u ')
My handmade 2000 karat diamond!

Kaleidoscope within the diamond.!

The exhibition is at ION (outside MiuMiu) from 20th to 30th November.
I'm so grateful to ABSOLUT for this chance, Audrey & Denise for the coordination and friends who helped me with the making of this diamond-kaleidoscope!