Mischievous, strange, bewitching and evil looking is what Sophie Black appears to be. But when one tells her this she laughs like a child with glee.
Friends she loves a few: Ms. Crow (they both agree that black is the coolest), Ms Owl (they both love watching moon and stars), Ms Blackfish (they both like swaying in the water), Ms Bear (they both are shy) and The Black Hair (who understands her weirdest thoughts) which sits on top of her head.
For the first time ever, Sophie invites you to view her 13 treasured documentation of her world.
"Seeing me in the dark is seeing yourself in the dark" - Sophie Black
Night & Day – Bar + Gallery + Friends, a new hybrid space consisting of a chillout bar and an art gallery, located at 139a/c, selegie road.
Launch Party 21 sept, from 7pm
22 sept - 20 oct 2007
There, you will also meet Kuanth's dark world.